Sales 101
Friday. 6.30pm. I am sitting alone in a restaurant waiting for my friend to come. The only table available when I got here was a table of four, right ahead of me is the door. I usually come here when I want a quiet time. Its ambiance is great for conversation. I was going to just go home and chill...but she persuaded me to meet her today.It feels odd to say chill without Netflix,lol...but that would be pretentious for two reasons, one, I don't have Netflix and two, I don't like Netflix....not so much because it is Netflix but just movies generally...Its very odd for me to be the one saying this because there was a time I literally knew about every new movie release. Or maybe I l still do like movies now that I think about it, is it okay not to know if you like something? The thing is, every time I intentionally try to watch one, I lose concentration, most of the time I just find myself hungry or sleepy for no apparent reason.....I digress. So I m here watching people goin...