My Cup of Tea

Keeping up with work,relationships and being an adult in general is a lot of hard work. My inclination to leave everything until the last minute does not help either. Its's been wheeling on my mind that I should start a blog but life can get crazily busy and ideas get lost in the mayhem. Writing  puts things into perspective and makes others somewhat clearer.Well,I am warming up to the resolve that it is time to throw myself into the deep end, face new fears and let go of some more. My life as of right now is quite a cycle of getting things done and trying not to be crazy...real adulthood stuff, so while I am  at it, I might as well get this done. There's always worry that you'll fail with any risk you take or new opportunity that you throw yourself into, especially if you're the textbook over thinker that I am, but sometimes thinking through stuff and trying to get clarity is just self-sabotaging...because its impossible to have everything figured out. Conversations with Sheilah is about going through life experiences, taking chances and sharing some tea along the way. I hope this little 'sharing' brings you something, whether that be laughter, entertainment,comfort( or a tiny bit less boredom on your commute). See you soon!


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