Love….that word.

So I’m sitting on my bed, wracking my brains for things to write. Usually, I don’t schedule when I write because I wait to be ‘in the mood’…a habit I am trying to unlearn because I realize that if I am going to achieve some level of consistency, in writing  as in other areas of my life, I have to throw in a schedule....and stick to it. I have made schedules before, many….sticking to them is a totally different struggle. Well, I’m yet to start the unlearning process. Today, I’m riding with the feels….also quite literally.  

Most of the time, before I get down to write, an idea strikes when I am in pursuit of something else ...almost like an epiphany of sorts. It reminds me of this other thing….love. You’ll just be going about your business…trying to focus on the woman you’re becoming and it knocks you over…suddenly and without notice…before you know it….you have fallen in love! You will know because you’ll wake up to mornings that seem better than usual, you’ll feel more open to adventure, you’ll want to look your best and be your best. Your friends will catch you smiling for nothing, they will say you have a different glow on you, something you’ll brush off with a delicate laugh. You will say you have always been like that….secretly liking the fact that they noticed.

#Love is when every little nuance of life is magical.

As time goes by you realize it’s very easy to be sucked into the pressures of life.  The little glow you had might have a little fade. Work commitments, family and other responsibilities could suck some life out of this new addition to your life, you’ll realise every relationship requires work for it to grow. You learn that you have to commit thoughtfully to showing your partner love, in ways that satisfy their love language….and them, yours. It’s apparent that both of you have the responsibility to bring something to the table….lest you get stuck in the mud of mundanity.

 #Love is work

A time comes when it doesn’t feel like what it felt at first. You take a moment and reflect on realise that you could be lacking insight on some areas that you didn’t pay attention to. You try and notice your own toxic traits and work on them…it could be that you’re just a bit insecure… You recognize that you have deviated from your own personal interests because you’re constantly trying to put out fires.  It has become a constant cycle to rebuild and repair and you can’t tell if you’re wasting your time or if you’re in pursuit of something grand. You know for sure that you can’t depend on them to make you happy because you’re losing part of yourself. You decide to move on with your life.

#Love is not a weight to hold you back

You now have a nifty bit of information to mask out your daftness on this bit of life . You have made a resolve to only cultivate important relationships. You know that at times you might need to be a little bit selfish to your own desires. You are more aware of yourself and your needs.  You have forgiven yourself, you let go of self-criticism and many pledges of how next time will be better. You are ready for a new beginning. You have a feeling that the bend is near and you are as curious as anyone to find out what’s in store.

#Love is always around the corner

#Love yourself




  1. Niice piece. About scheduling when to write can be tricky sometimes. I'll just share my insights from my artworks. It's hard to schedule when to paint. Normally I'll wait for the 'mood' and there's a great difference between the mood artwork and the scheduled one. The 'mood' art comes out perfectly because you were psyched up.

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I totally agree...I write a little bit more easily and faster when I’m in the mood too...problem is you never know when it’ll decide to check in😄


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