My two cents...

Yesterday my laptop went off suddenly in the middle of a movie. I was convinced that’s it because it had started showing signs. Two days prior, I had lost literally everything I have ever saved on here-(what I thought was half my life lol). Turns out I don’t really need any of it because I’m still waiting to feel that ka pain that comes with loosing things .I can’t think of anything important other than the thousand versions of my Cv ,cover letters a myriad of my once late night assignments, some soft copy books…and countless drafts of unfinished ideas. That has been the misfortune of the week. A small one. 

So today I decided to try it just one more time before locking it away and forgetting about it like I forget all my problems. Guess what? It worked! I really believe in miracles because I have no explanation for this so I’m just here trying to appreciate this old companion of mine (we really do spend a lot of time together). What better way to do that than to write on it one more time?


Has it been two weeks already! Wow time really flies. And things do change. REALLY. Ever heard about the butterfly effect? Ask me about it, I’ll tell you…that isht it real…so true….nothing in this life as we know it is trivial. NOTHING. The people we meet, what you choose to say, the calls you decide to answer, literally everything leads you to something you will remember, something that could be literally life changing. If there’s anything I know for sure, I do know this. It is only in retrospect that you realise this. Which isn’t necessarily good or bad but do make a point to remind yourself about this sometimes…the universe is always in motion. Make good of your choices…every single one of them counts. 

Yes, it’s that serious LOL.  

On that note…sometimes I wonder what I would say if someone asked me what my best advice would be. I would tell them live your life in such a way that you don’t regret anything. Own whatever you do. Good or bad. Take responsibility. But I also know that sometimes we make bad choices because we don’t know better, or because we don’t have enough belief in ourselves and that comes with a bit of regret because we know it could have been different. So my best advice I think would be to BE KIND TO YOURSELF, to know that you might make mistakes, they don’t define you, they only make you better able to empathize with others, less judgmental, more forgiving. You will be stronger for it, you will be kinder, and your speck will shine a little brighter once you acknowledge it and forgive yourself. 

Always remember -IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE…

How do you know if wisdom came with age? This! Put it down on paper….

Goodnight good humans….


  1. Wow! A nearly written off laptop and the simply beautiful philosophy of life and small opportunities.....and grabbing em with gratitude. Miracles are real. Nice piece!


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