A little random....
Yes, yes, I know….. It’s me again creeping back onto these blank pages. I haven’t left any prints on here lately but my ink hasn’t run dry yet…it’s just that I have been spending time learning some new words on the internet….like ‘eatvist’or ‘totes’….so there’s that-which is just one among other excuses I could list here….like how I have literally spent sleepless nights thinking of an intelligent retort to this thing someone did the other day. A word of advice guys….if you are ever in a situation where you have the opportunity to be petty, BE PETTY. That bigger person isht is overrated…no one is giving points guys…do you and whatever is good for your soul. Otherwise you’ll spend the nights tossing and turning for some stupid isht that could have been avoided with a few right words at the right time lol….. I wonder what kind of role model I will be to my kids. Seriously though, I’m all about peace and love and good vibes so being the adult that I am, and a good Christian at that…the recourse is to empathise with them ….and give them a virtual hug….as weird as that is, it works…and try and remember what’s good about them…..which most of the time outweighs the bad anyway….plus no one is perfect so….that's advise from me to me…I hope I’m listening.
So it seems today we are just in the mood to rant about the
most random things….which is totally not what my intention was, I was hoping
for something more ‘read worthy’ but that is what 10 minutes of ‘typing
something’ leads to…..we shall get better. It’s actually a little experiment for
this podcast I saw about writing when you don’t have anything in particular to say….the advice was to ‘just
write continuously, don’t think about it’….so here we are. We still don’t have a schedule, I know…I don’t
know why either but….we’ll move regardless.
That said….my little mantra for the week is ‘FRIENDSHIP and LOVE’ ….don’t seek…just
make a decision not to block these.
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